
New Printable Content Provider List

One of the most frequent questions I get about videoconferencing is how to find programs. We have never attempted to create a database of the providers because there are already great resources available from our friends in Michigan! Thanks to Janine Lim from Berrien County, Michigan for publishing a quick and easy content provider list that is up-to-date. Here's what she put on her blog yesterday...

I’ve just added a Printable Content Provider List to our VC Program Database linked on TWICE and Polycom. It pulls directly from the our database, so each time you print it, it’s the most up-to-date information we have at the time. At this moment, it has 219 providers and prints in 38 pages!

I will be happy to help teachers with specific content and scheduling questions. Don't forget that our ACELINK grant from the Foellinger Foundation provides funding for these programs through next year.

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