
Sites from Keystone Conference

We've been attending the 2005 Keystone Conference, which is devoted to interactive videoconferencing topics. Bishop Dwenger High School is our remote site host, and we've enjoyed being one of the 250 remote sites around the world. In a presentation yesterday, several web sites were listed for teachers to find/search for collaborative opportunities. We couldn't read the slide, but I've located most of the references. I've worked with these sites and agree with the presenter that they are an excellent resource. I'd love to hear any feedback from users who are trying these resources.

Here are the sites:

  1. http://www.iEarn.org - Started in 1988, iEARN is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to collaborate on projects that both enhance learning and make a difference in the world. Membership fees may be required for this content.
  2. http://www.global-leap.com - The Global Leap website is a resource for teachers around the world, enabling them to get help, advice and support to develop videoconferencing in the curriculum, and to find videoconferencing partners and to book interactive videoconference lessons. Also includes an international classroom exchange listing.
  3. www.gng.org - Founded in 1998, the Global Nomads Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to heightening children's understanding and appreciation for the world and its people. Using interactive technologies such as videoconferencing, GNG brings young people together face-to-face to meet across cultural and national boundaries to discuss their differences & similarities, and the world issues that affect them. Check our their yearly themes.
  4. http://www.indiana.edu/~global/giant.htm - The Global Interactive Academic NeTwork project (GIANT) is dedicated to the creation of a virtual academic community of scholars and students from around the world. This project is part of a multifaceted effort by the Center for the Study of Global Change at Indiana University to aid in the creation of an environment for technological innovation in International Studies.

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