
Reed Unveils State Program for Internet Safety

Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Suellen Reed offered help for parents and teachers trying to safeguard children from the growing threat of Internet predators. Education and public health officials, representing the Indiana State Library and the Indiana State Medical Alliance joined the Superintendent as she made her announcement.

“The Internet is a powerful tool,” said Merle Gruesser, ENA. “As with any tool, we must teach children how to use it safely.” Recent statistics show these alarming statistics: 14 percent of 13-17 year olds have actually met face-to-face with a person they had only known online (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, 2006); 27 percent of youth said they have talked with an online stranger about sex; 34 percent were exposed to unwanted sexual material (Polly Klaas Foundation 2006), and 9 percent are victims of online harassment (University of New Hampshire 2006).

The Coalition also offers at no cost an online Parent Resource Center at iKeepSafe.org where parents and teachers will find technical help, teaching tools, and critical resources that will help them protect children, such as Family Fun Lessons, Symantec’s flash tutorial, The 10 ‘MUST KNOW’ Actions that Will Help You Protect Your Family, and an Internet safety video library.

I have reviewed the materials on this site and found them very useful, exciting for kids, and relevant to current issues with Internet Safety. Please share this website with your parents and teachers.

For the IDOE Media Release, go to http://www.doe.state.in.us/reed/newsr/2006/10-October/ikeepsafe2.html.

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