
E-Rate News from Funds for Learning

Form 471 Window Opened on December 6, 2005

The SLD announced today that the Form 471 window will open on December 6 and close on February 16. January 18 would be the last date anyone could post a Form 470, however, it is recommended that E-rate applicants do not wait until the last few days to post Form 470's as the SLD will review those applications with more scrutiny to ensure that a fair, open and competitive bidding process took place. Schools need to wait 28 days after they post a Form 470 before they can sign contracts and waiting the last minute may not give you enough time to evaluate bids, negotiate the contract and possibly get Board approval before the Form 471 window closes.

Important reminders and tips about this process can be viewed at http://www.eratemanager.com/mkt/2005-11.pdf

The 2006 Eligible Services List can be found at http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-05-197A2.pdf


Participate in Read Across America with video equipment!

What? TWICE annually organizes a special celebration of the national NEA event “Read Across America” by providing the opportunity for schools in the continental United States to connect using two-way interactive video to both read to and be read to by another class. ACELINK will be working with 6th grade teachers from Carroll Middle School to implement this project, and other teachers in Allen County are welcome to join us.

Schools must have equipment verified in November, 2005 and register to participate in December, 2005 for the project. All Allen County schools have access to the videoconferencing equipment and bandwidth needed for this project, but if you have questions, contact me.

Why? The purpose of this celebration is to have students reading to students. What they read is your choice i.e., a Dr. Seuss book (this event is in honor of his birthday), a book about your community, a poem or an original story your class wrote. Just pick something you and your students love!

When? All connections will take place during March 1-3, 2006. When you register, you must choose a time and date to connect. This information will be used to match you with another class. Schedule the connection for an hour. You must commit to participate the full hour.

  • 15 minute audio/video check
  • 30 mintues: each class presents for 15 minutes
  • 15 minutes to exchange information about your school and community and to ask each other questions.

Contact me at 481-0747 if you'd like more information, or go to the Twice website at: http://www.twice.cc/read/index.html.

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